The year 2021 was a year full of protests and demonstrations in which violent demonstrations took place in many countries of the world. Citizens of which countries have taken to the streets in support of their demands? See these Reuters photos.
Despite restrictions imposed to prevent the spread of the corona virus in Belgium, large crowds gathered and the administration took action, using water cannons to disperse people during the conflict.
Patsy Stevenson, a female social worker, was detained in London during a protest against the disappearance and murder of Sarah Award.
Protests by Palestinians against Israel continued in the West Bank, with protesters burning tires at night.
Protests erupted in Bangkok's Dun Dying District over the handling of the Corona epidemic, with tear gas and water cannons being used by the administration.
Georgia hosts anti-Asians rally, calling protesters "viruses"
During the protest against the opposition party Congress against the inflation in Delhi, the police arrested protesters.
During a school board meeting in Virginia, the meeting was called off because participants did not keep quiet, after which parents and members of the community protested.
In Sudan, a man protests in front of burning tires against a possible military government.
A man disguised as Uncle Sam protested in front of Manhattan Hall in New York against making vaccines mandatory for all.
A Palestinian man is detained by Israeli police during a protest over land ownership in the Sheikh Jarrah area of East Jerusalem.
In Colombia, there have been protests over poverty, police brutality, inequality in education and health, and the government has been called upon to take action.