Tejsui Surya, an MP from India's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), has withdrawn his demand to convert Muslims and Christians to Hinduism.
Speaking at a function held at Krishna Math in Udupi district of the state on December 25, a few days after the Karnataka government passed a controversial conversion law, he said, “We have built a Ram temple in this country. Yes, Article 370 has been removed from Jammu and Kashmir. We should make the Muslims of Pakistan Hindus. We have to give priority to return home. Pakistan is included in the concept of united India.
He further added that monasteries and temples should take the lead in this regard and each temple and monastery should set an annual target for it.
This is not the first time Tejsui has made a divisive statement. Like his previous controversial comments, he was again criticized on social media and withdrew his statement on December 27, saying, 'S topic. Some of the statements in my speech have caused a great deal of controversy. That is why I unconditionally withdraw these statements. "
Although he withdrew his statement, his event was live-streamed on social media. By the time he apologized for his remarks, his speech had gone viral on social media.