US diplomats and former elected political officials have said that President Joe Biden should consider a military option to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons and an offensive drone program.
According to Arab News, the panel was hosted by the National Council of Resistance of Iran.
The panel includes former Senator Joseph Lieberman, former Secretary of Arms Control and International Security Robert Joseph, former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency David Shed, Georgetown University professor Matthew Crowing and Jonathan Roe, director of the Jewish Institute for National Security.The NCRI has released a detailed report on how Iran is using drones to attack Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen and Saudi Arabia and how it is forging alliances with China, Russia and Venezuela.
"It's a matter of concern to our allies that they can't rely on us," Labor Menon told NCRI participants in Washington.
"We are making a mistake in Vienna by trying to get the United States involved in the nuclear deal," he said. Although this is being done with good intentions, they are not able to come to terms with the fact that what Iran is doing in Vienna or in the world.