Those who are interested in gems can get the property of the world's largest black diamond, which is named 'Enigma' and is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records.
According to Arab News, this rare black diamond was unveiled to the public for the first time on January 17 in Dubai's Sodebiz and will remain there till January 20.
This black diamond is 555 carats. After the exhibition and before being taken to London and Los Angeles, the diamond will be present at the Dubai Diamond Exchange, where it will be auctioned online from February 3 to 9.The Carbonado Black Diamond is extremely rare, dating to two to three billion years ago. They are said to be composed of the components found in the meteorite, which at the time it hit the Earth contained nitrogen and hydrogen, as well as asbronite, which is also found in the meteorite.
Similarly, its huge size, which led to the record-breaking, is said to resemble the palm-shaped khumsa of the Middle East, known as a symbol of protection against the "evil eye."
Khumsa belongs to the fifth digit and this diamond is not only 555.55 in size but also has exactly 55 aspects.
"We are honored that Dubai was the first to be exhibited, and we are excited to play our part in this journey," said Katia Nono-Boyz, head of the UAE.
The diamond will be the first to be purchased in the UAE, which can be purchased via cryptocurrency.
"This is the first time we're going to introduce cryptocurrency in the UAE as part of the government's commitment to exploring new digital means, technologies and scientific advances," Boyz said.
The diamond, called Angima, has never been seen on the market before and has never been put on public display.