Police in the Indian state of Uttarakhand have registered a case against five people, including Yati Narasimhanand, the organizer of the Hindutva 'Dharma Sasand' gathering, for inciting Muslims to take up arms and commit genocide.
According to Indian news channel NDTV, Yati Narasimhanand had delivered a "hate speech" against Muslims at the three-day gathering of Hindus called Dharma Sasand. He has been accused of making similar statements before.
The five have been charged with inciting violence in religious groups and disrupting worship.Video clips of the speeches at the gathering went viral on social media, after which the organizers of the gathering came under fire. Former Indian Army chiefs and social activists also slammed the organizers.
According to NDTV, the action was taken by the police after a delay of four days and after the public demands came to light.
However, the organizers and speakers of the gathering said that they did nothing wrong.
The petition filed with the police names Prabhuhanand Giri of Hindu Raksha Sena, Aditya Tyagi of BJP Women's Wing and Ashwini Upadhyay of BJP.
"I don't feel any shame," says Prabhudhanand Giri. I am not afraid of the police. I stand by my statement. If anyone tries to kill me I will answer. I'm not afraid of the law. "