Maryland: A new study in the United States has found that pregnant women who have been fully vaccinated with MRNA vaccine to prevent Covid 19 are less likely to have the disease in their newborns.
The study was conducted in 17 US states from July 2021 to January 2022, during which time newborns aged 6 months or younger were diagnosed with serious illness and hospitalization due to Covid 19.
The latest "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report" (MMWR) from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that women who are fully vaccinated by getting both doses of Moderna or Pfizer's MRNA vaccine during pregnancy. On average, 61% of newborns are protected from Covid 19 until the age of six months after birth.
However, there was a strong correlation between coronary heart disease in newborns and at the time of complete maternal vaccination.
For example, in the early days of pregnancy, 32% of women who were fully vaccinated with the MRNA vaccine (in the first six months of their lives) were protected from Covid 19.
In contrast, 80% of newborn babies who completed the vaccination a few days before delivery were protected from Covid 19 in the first six months of life.
It should be noted that another study has shown that corona vaccination of pregnant women does not harm them.
New research shows that full vaccination of pregnant women with the MRNA vaccine is also beneficial for their unborn children.
The CDC makes it clear that the research is promising, but it also has some significant flaws.
For example, it focuses solely on the mRNA vaccine, while other types of covid vaccines are completely ignored.
Another major flaw is that the study focused on the period from birth to the age of six months. What can happen after that? This research is completely silent on this.