
Enzyme therapy will now allow organ transplants for everyone

 OTTAWA: If a healthy person donates an organ to a patient, there are a number of complications in which one person cannot be donated to another due to different blood groups. Now, thanks to enzyme therapy, even complex organs can be implanted in people with different blood groups.

Now, after many years of working together, scientists from various institutions in Canada have come up with an enzyme treatment that will allow one organ to be safely transplanted to patients of all world and blood types.

We know that antigens determine the blood group at the level of red blood cells. A Anti Jin means A group. B antigen which makes blood group B formed. AB blood group has both groups and no A and O antigens are missing in O.

Now whether it is a blood transfusion or a transplant, if the blood type is not the same, the matter can be complicated. If an organ belonging to a different group is implanted in this way, then the body first becomes its enemy and rejects it.

To solve this, a team of scientists used enzymes to remove antigen from a donated organ. In this way the condition of the organ becomes universal and group. Two enzymes for therapy are taken from the human intestine, namely, FPGEL, NACD, ACE Tiles, and FPGalactozamide.

Scientists placed the two lungs inside the X-Wave Ling Perfusion (EVLP) system. In this system, the lungs are kept alive in blood and essential components before transplantation. Now both enzymes have been added.

The experiment involved a type A donor lung that was already damaged and had been rejected by doctors for treatment. When two enzymes were inserted into the EVLP system, the antigen (blood group) and its effects disappeared by 97% from the whole organ shortly after. Now that it has been placed in blood of the opposite blood group, the lung-rejecting ingredients have not been found.

The experiment showed that enzyme therapy could sooner or later help transplant organs from people of different blood groups.