
Hundreds of years old shipwreck found off US coast

 North Carolina: The wreckage of a small ship built in 1800 has emerged on the American coast. Even before that, the beach has been a popular destination for ships.

Historically, hundreds of ships have sunk here as traces of 21 ships and boats have been found on and around Baldhead Island, dating back to the American Civil War and the British era.

A few days ago, the wreckage of a ship 12 feet wide and 60 feet long was spotted on the same shore, the details of which are being sought. It has rusty iron pieces and rotten wooden strips are clearly visible.

Archaeologists are still struggling to gather enough evidence before reaching the final conclusions about the location of the ship. Dozens of ships and boats have appeared in the area before.

According to naval historian Kevin B. Duffys, though, it is definitely a larger ship than the expert ship. It may date back to the 19th century. The ship was actually found 500 yards from the Cape Fair Life Saving Station, which operated from 1883 to 1913.

According to experts, there may be more boats from the same period, but only one has been discovered so far. It was first noticed by the local villagers. After that many people voluntarily dug it out of the mud.