
Important news for low-wage workers in the UAE

 Companies will be obliged to provide housing to workers earning less than 1,500 dirhams a month.

Abu Dhabi (Urdu Point Latest Newspaper. February 17, 2022) The Ministry of Human Resources of the United Arab Emirates has issued a new order to increase the safety of workers on construction sites and housing, the purpose of the new order is to protect workers on construction sites. Companies are obliged to provide compulsory housing to workers earning less than 1,500 dirhams a month.

According to Emirati media, the Ministry of Human Resources and Emirati Affairs has issued an order to increase the safety and accommodation of workers at construction sites, under which organizations with 50 or more workers and each worker If the wages are less than 1,500 dirhams per month, the companies will provide accommodation to these workers as part of the new ministerial decree.

The order also states that construction and industrial workers are not allowed to work outside or in places under the sun from 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm from June 15 to September 15, 100 or so. Industrial establishments and companies with more than one employee need to hire a health and safety officer to ensure that workers are protected from various hazards in the workplace, the officer will be tasked to ensure that Safety procedures at construction sites must be met.

The ministry said in a statement that the purpose of the order was to describe in detail the responsibilities of both employees and employers in their efforts to ensure work stability and increase productivity in the workplace, providing workers with protective clothing and appropriate clothing. Clothing should be provided to prevent any injuries on site, first aid kits and fire extinguishers shall be placed on the construction site and with a specialist on site to provide first aid if required. Will go

The order states that employers must provide all necessary measures to ensure the safety and security of employees in the workplace from injuries, illnesses or any hazards such as sharp objects, explosives or flammable materials, electric circuits and compressed gases. Steps should be taken. Employees need to be aware of any potential hazards before working on site, safety and prevention guidelines and recovery tips should be clearly written on signboards in Arabic and other languages ​​that workers understand and premises Is posted on visible sites around.

Workers are required by law to wear protective clothing and to follow instructions at all times after being properly briefed by their employer. The ministry is also liaising with the concerned authorities to ensure that insurance is being provided to the workers.

In order to ensure that health and safety measures are being met, construction sites across the country will be inspected on a regular basis, and fines and penalties will be imposed on violating companies. , Companies should register their workers' accommodation on a new platform recently launched on the ministry's website to ensure that workers get adequate housing As part of the registration process, employers will need to submit supporting documents confirming that health and safety guidelines are being followed, followed by the accuracy and security of the system housing. Determines