New Delhi: In the Indian state of Karnataka, female students wearing hijab have been seated in separate classrooms and no teacher has taught them.
In India, Muslim students wearing hijab are discriminated against. In a college in the state of Karnataka, hijab-wearing students were seated in separate classrooms and were not taught by any teacher.
According to Indian media, the hijab-wearing students, who had been protesting outside the college gates for a week, were allowed to enter the college but were not allowed to attend classes with other students.
Hijab students were seated in separate classrooms in the college and no teacher took their classes.
The Hindu extremist principal of the college says that the students will be allowed to sit in the class only if they come to the college after taking off their hijab.
Another college in Karnataka has announced a holiday to prevent hijab-wearing students from entering the college.
In Karnataka, Muslim students wearing hijab have been banned from attending college and taking classes.