Health e-passport issued for travel between the two countries
Health e-Passport has been issued for travel between Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, with the aim of facilitating the movement of passengers, citizens and residents between the two countries through the King Fahd Causeway. According to Arab News, the Saudi cabinet approved a memorandum of understanding between the Saudi Authority for Data and Artificial Intelligence and the Information and e-Government Authority of Bahrain to activate the electronic document, after which Saudi Arabia and Bahrain signed an agreement. A Health e-Passport has been issued for intermediate travel, which will help citizens and residents of Saudi Arabia and Bahrain to verify and match passenger information for health needs on the King Fahd Causeway.
The Health Passport was reportedly introduced by the Saudi Authority for Data and Artificial Intelligence in January last year and has since been extended to reflect the PCR result and travel insurance policy for corona virus risks. It also connects the passport to the border system, verifies the passenger's health eligibility when issuing a boarding pass, and integrates with the IATA transport system to indicate travel requirements. To be recognized as an official document worldwide.
Last July, Saudi Arabia's Tawakalna app announced the addition of a feature to the Health e-Passport to review insurance policy data approved by the Saudi Central Bank and the Health Insurance Council, outside of Saudi Arabia. Covering the dangers of COVID-19, this feature aims to simplify travel procedures. While Saudi Arabia and Bahrain signed an agreement in November to activate and rely on the Health Passport and to achieve technical integration between the Bahrain BeAware Bahrain app, the health procedures within the Corona Fighting Framework and It also helps to verify their compliance with applicable requirements. Cooperation between Saudi Arabia and Bahrain aims to ensure the implementation of bilateral precautionary and control measures to combat the disease.
It is hoped that electronic communication between the two countries will speed up the completion of travel procedures. Enables instant verification of health data.