New Zealand: New research on the eyes has revealed that the stripes on the back of the retina, a sensitive tissue that senses light in the eye, may be related to mental capacity and health.
The most important disease in this regard is Alzheimer's which gradually destroys the mental capacity. The disease progresses quietly but it is too late when severe symptoms appear. However, the day is not far off when eye examination can predict the condition prematurely, which is a common and severe form of dementia.
According to Ashley Bert Young, a professor at the University of Otago in New Zealand, and her research colleagues, eye examinations can be used to diagnose mental illness, especially Alzheimer's. According to him, mental condition and mental condition can be examined through the window of eyes.
Ten years ago, it was discovered that the retina of Alzheimer's patients tends to get thinner and thinner. Then, in 2018, it was discovered that Alzheimer's has three eye conditions, including cataracts and aging-related blindness or AMD.
The University of Otago began the study in the 1970s. One thousand babies born in the 70's were enrolled in the study. All the children had their eyes opened in the same hospital. Now, 50 years later, 865 adults have been examined who underwent various eye scans at the age of 45. In addition, all participants underwent other eye tests.
In the final examination, the thickness of the layers of retina and ganglion cells of all participants was carefully noted. Now, those who had thin retinas performed poorly in the brain and acquisition tests, that is, even in adolescence and even in childhood, they were behind others in these tests.
But retinal detachment has not been linked to overall cerebral palsy. All the children were mentally retarded at an early age. But statistical analysis has shown that the abnormal decrease in retinal thickness indicates that there is some reduction in brain, mental and cognitive capacity.
However, scientists have stressed the need for further research and more extensive studies will be carried out in the next phase.