New Delhi: The Indian television host was embarrassed in front of foreign guests due to a minor mistake of his team.
Rahul Shewshankar, editor-in-chief of Indian channel Times Now, is being criticized for his team's mistake, while the clip went so viral that millions of people watched it in a few hours.
During the program aired yesterday, the Indian television host mentioned the name of a panelist in the guest panel and criticized him, citing various countries that have been targeted by Western policies.
Rahul Shivshankar advised the foreign guest to stay relaxed and did not shy away from sitting in India and lecturing and mocking the withdrawal of troops on the battlefield.
While discussing the Ukraine-Russia war issue, Rahul Shevshankar criticized Bohdan Nahel, a journalist with the Ukrainian newspaper Kyo Post, but criticized his team for not mentioning the name of another guest instead of the Ukrainian journalist. Keep pouring all your anger on the other guest.
Daniel McAdams, another guest at the event and a representative of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, listened to the host for a long time, but when the matter went too far, he demanded not to do so.
Addressing Indian TV host Rahul Shivshankar, Daniel McAdams said that despite being silent, the hosts are constantly attacking him, even after making several attempts to point out the issue, when the Indian TV host did not give up emotionally and remain silent. When it happened, the foreign guest recorded his protest loudly.