
Can deported 'subordinates' return to the country?

 Saudi Arabia has enacted new immigration and residency laws since last year, with significant changes.

Under the new residency laws, people who are deported from the state for any crime are permanently blacklisted.

Prior to the enactment of the new law, the period of blacklisting for deportees for residency or other violations was different, as determined by the investigating officer.

One person on the Permits Twitter found out, "Can people residing in a partner's residence come to the country on another visa after being deported?"

Under the new immigration laws in Saudi Arabia, all persons who have been deported from the kingdom under any law cannot come on a work visa.

Deported persons can come to the country only on Umrah or Hajj visa and no other.

Permits said that any foreigner who is deported from the country is blacklisted for life. Such persons can come to the country only on Umrah or Hajj visa and not on any other visa.

It should be noted that this includes persons who reside in the country with their parents at the place of companions or subordinates. If they too are arrested and deported after committing a crime, the same law applies to them.

Most foreigners in the country are deported in violation of residency laws. It is important for everyone to follow the rules of residence.

Keep in mind that according to the law, a person who is a resident or dependent of a dependent is not allowed to do any kind of employment or business.

Foreigners residing as associates are prosecuted if they are arrested while working. Apart from residency laws, those arrested for various crimes are also deported.

 The fingerprints of those deported from the country are fed into the system, after which the system identifies them if they try to enter the country in any way.

Asked about the law of exit re-entry, "Will the exodus also apply to ex-employed domestic servants?"

 Jawazat said that the law of departure applies equally to all foreigners, whether domestic or commercial.

Individuals who do not arrive on a departure visa on time are barred from entering the country for a period of three years. In addition, they are not allowed to come on Hajj and Umrah visas, otherwise they can come on other work visas if they want after the expiry of three years of ban.

It is to be noted that those who violate the law of exit promise are included in the category of 'exit and promise' and the said ban is imposed on them under the automated system.