
Discover the link between sleep deprivation and increased drowsiness

 Mini Sota: Deep and restful sleep has healing properties for the body but sleep disorders can lead to many diseases. According to the latest research, bad and insufficient sleep can make you fat and increase your body fat.

Although this is a small survey, it reveals a clear link between poor sleep and increasing fat. The study was conducted by Mayo Clinic, a well-known medical institution in Minnesota.

A total of 12 people were included in the survey who were completely healthy. They also showed no signs of medically obesity. All people were examined for 21 days or three weeks and it was found that the lack of sleep and the change in aspect last night increases the tendency of body fat to increase up to 9% while it can cover the whole body and body parts. For example, the risk of developing hidden or visceral fat accumulation around the liver and intestines may increase by up to 11%.

The second type of fat not only affects the organs but can also lead to heart disease and metabolic diseases. Probably a factor as to why they're doing so poorly is that sleep deprivation is on the rise. The scary thing is that these fats increase obesity and increase bloating.

Scientists divided the volunteers into two groups. One of them was given a full nine hours of sleep and the other was given only four hours of sleep. Earlier, both groups underwent a detailed medical examination. Two weeks after the study, they were re-examined and three months later, the group members were exchanged for other conditions. In other words, people with less sleep became part of the group that got full sleep, and this process was also tested on other groups.

According to experts, people who sleep less tend to eat more, that is, they start consuming more than 300 extra calories. They started eating 13% more protein and 17% more fat. The most important thing is that the amount of fat hidden from it began to increase and also began to increase.

On the other hand, deep and complete sleep is very important for mental capacity, memory and decision making. In addition, poor sleep can lead to dementia and Alzheimer's.