TOKYO: The trend of whole grains and fiber foods protects the elderly from the most painful and deadly disease, such as dementia, according to recent research and surveys.
Alzheimer's and dementia go hand in hand. The disease affects memory, impairs social functioning and can sometimes lead to dementia. It is also the seventh leading cause of death in the world, according to the WHO.
We know that nuts, vegetables and other types of fruits can reduce the risk of dementia and keep the brain healthy. However, now Japanese experts have emphasized that the risk of this disease can be greatly reduced in the future by eating fiber foods.
The journal Nutritional Neuroscience included 3,700 people between the ages of 40 and 64. All of these people were very healthy and were reviewed from 1985 to 1999. During this time 670 people with dementia became disabled. But those who ate porridge and other fibrous foods were much safer.
According to global data, the number of dementia patients worldwide will increase by one and a half million by 2028. But dietary precautions can reduce the severity of the disease and the global burden.