
'Lizard smuggler' arrested in US

 CALIFORNIA: U.S. police last month arrested a man in California for allegedly trafficking animals such as lizards and chameleons.

Jose Manuel Perez, a 30-year-old man from Oxnard County, California, has smuggled more than 1,700 lizards, chameleons and other small and large animals of the same genus into the reptiles since 2016, according to details. Is counted.

All of these animals were smuggled from Mexico to the United States by Perez and his sister and sold on the black market at exorbitant prices. Many times he had smuggled small lizards to America by hiding them in his clothes.

The arrest of the lizard smuggler took place last month after it was revealed that it was attracting its customers through secret messages on social media, which are usually used for inverted straightforward tricks and counterfeit therapies. Salamanders etc. used to buy from him at exorbitant prices.

During the interrogation, Perez and his sister confessed to their crimes, after which they were charged with 10 different types of legal violations, including wildlife trafficking.

Judgment is expected soon.