
Now it's possible to tag products in the Instagram feed post

 Currently this feature has been provided to American Instagram. Its second purpose is to promote famous products in the field of fashion and style, make-up and other products. It can be considered as an Amazon Affiliate Market in which one can also earn money from Instagram account by promoting the product in a referral manner.

Just as small business owners are doing business on Facebook, so will business be done on Instagram, because this innovation is less about consumers and more about business. In addition, you will be able to tag your Instagram friends after viewing any post, but eventually big brands and companies will also adopt it.

According to analysts, Instagram will also introduce more innovations in the next few months, but business people with business accounts will also be able to tag products in rail and stores.

In the same way, business people will know for themselves when, where and who tagged their product and referred to it. They will also be able to see all the reference products in a list in their profile.

Instagram says its 1.6 million users have tagged at least one product, and since then its regular option has been announced. On the other hand, this will allow users to stay on the app longer, which will also benefit the meta company.

But analysts say the option to tag and reference products could soon be added to Instagram's Rail and Story.