
Saudi Arabia blacklists 25 foreign individuals and entities

 In Saudi Arabia, the State Security Agency has blacklisted 25 foreign individuals and entities involved in Houthi funding.

According to the Arabic daily Al-Sharq al-Awsat, the State Security Service noted that the individuals and entities were working under the auspices of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards with the help of an organization called Faleq al-Quds.

 Which were active as an international network to spread unrest in Yemen. The State Security Agency noted that the decision to blacklist 25 individuals and entities was made in solidarity with the US Treasury Department and the Foreign Assets Watchdog. The purpose is to track down terrorist organizations, their affiliates, their funders, as well as their facilitators.

Of the 10 people blacklisted by Saudi Arabia, two are from Syria, one from Britain, three from Yemen, one from Somalia, one from Greece and Chiranjeevi Kumar Singh from India.

The state has also blacklisted 15 foreign entities for funding Houthis.

The State Security Agency has said that all assets of blacklisted individuals and entities have been frozen, and any direct or indirect transaction with any of them would be considered a punishable offense.

Anyone found to have any connection with the blacklisted individuals or entities will be prosecuted.