Washington: A few days ago, it was reported that eating blueberries improves brain and memory. Now, with another study, this little sweet fruit has become a superfood that can heal wounds and ulcers of diabetes and other conditions faster.
We know that the formation and activity of blood vessels in this very area is very important for wound healing. Because the blood carries the other important components there and the skin and tissues are formed. This process is called vascularization.
Injuries to the feet and other areas of diabetics do not heal because the formation of blood vessels is very slow. The wound heals into a fistula and sometimes the spread of the infection can lead to amputation of the limbs, which can also extinguish the candle of life.
An antioxidant called phenol in blueberries has a magical effect in this regard. The University of Maine tested them and found that a compound called phenol began to form blood vessels on the wounds and cells accumulated there, forming tiny layers that eventually melted into the skin. These experiments were performed on human placental cells.
University of Maine professor Dorothy and her co-scientists then developed a kind of ointment containing blueberry phenols. They were then tested on deep rat wounds. Thus, within 6 days of using the ointment, the process of formation of endothelial cells, i.e. fine skin, started and the wound began to heal up to 12% faster than others. In addition, small blood vessels began to appear.
The chemicals in wild blueberries have been shown to be very effective in healing wounds. This method is expected to heal deep burns, pressure ulcers and diabetic ulcers equally quickly. However, in the next phase, it will be tested on humans.