
Can Cardamom Cure Breast Cancer?

 Philadelphia: Cardamom has been used in Oriental cuisine as well as medicine for centuries. Now a new study in the United States has found that the cardamom component can also help eliminate breast cancer.

This ingredient is called "cardamonin" which is found in many plants besides cardamom, although the amount is slightly higher in cardamom.

The study on Cardimon was conducted by Patricia Mendonsa, an assistant professor at Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, and her colleagues, in which breast cells were taken from American women of African and European descent, respectively.

During the study, Cardimonin was tested against a dangerous type of breast cancer called "triple negative". This breast cancer is caused by excessive activity in a gene called "PD-L1".

Cardimonin use has been shown to reduce the spread of triple negative breast cancer.

However, thanks to cardimonin, the activity of the PD-L1 gene was reduced only in women of European descent, indicating that the effects of cardimonin on different races are different.

Details of the study were presented yesterday at the "Experimental Biology 2022" conference in Philadelphia.

At the same time, Patricia Mendonsa warns that this research is still in its early stages, so the role of cardamom in the treatment of cancer should not be considered final and decisive at all.