Georgia: Another one of the great benefits of exercise is that regular physical activity, especially in the case of diabetes, can create new blood vessels or speed up their growth.
We know that the dreaded disease of diabetes, especially the tiny blood vessels, is severely affected. That is why wounds do not heal and vision is affected.
It is now known for the first time that exercise can also help in the formation of new blood tissues. That is, exercise can cure the negative effects of diabetes. The benefits of exercise in diabetes have been shown before. Scientists at Georgia Medical College have now discovered the link between exercise and regenerating new veins, or angiogenesis. Exosomes play an important role in this whole process.
Exosomes are like small, tiny packets that carry biological material from one place to another. Two types of exosomes were observed, the first being the antioxidants SO3 which normalize the amount of reactive oxygen. And proteins are prominent in signaling. Secondly, there is a special protein called ATP Seven A and copper atoms reach the cells. Diabetes severely affects both of these exosomes.
When experts began considering exercise and both exosomes, they found that diabetes disrupted the entire endothelial cell system. These cells form blood vessels and play an important role in the formation of new veins. In this regard, diabetic rats were run on a spinning wheel for two weeks, while healthy middle-aged people were given moderate-intensity cardio exercise for 45 minutes.
Scientists found that after exercise, large amounts of ATP Seven A began to reach the endothelial cells, and large amounts of SOD-3 were also observed. In addition, rapid lining of the veins has been observed.
It can be said that exercise can also create new blood vessels in diabetics which can be very useful.