
In 2014, a mysterious space rock exploded in the earth's atmosphere; US intelligence report

 Harvard: Eight years ago, a meteorite mysteriously exploded in the Earth's atmosphere, according to a secret US document. Its speed was also extraordinary and it belonged to a system other than our solar system.

In 2014, an astronomical (celestial body) exploded in the skies of the famous island of Papua New Guinea. Surprisingly, it was very fast, which is why it took so long to research.

According to a report, it was a small meteorite that was only one and a half feet long and on January 8, 2014, it passed close to the earth with lightning speed of 210,000 kilometers per hour. It is much faster than ordinary meteors. Research in 2019 revealed that it had nothing to do with our solar system.

Research from 2019 also shows that the path and orbit of this celestial body did not belong to our solar system, but came from somewhere outside the solar system. Ninety-nine percent believe that this Milky Way galaxy was inhabited by a massive disk or other solar system. However, this research paper was not formally submitted for publication in any research journal, nor was it shown to other relevant astronomers, as it was not verified and was posted on a pre-print server.

But the reason is the US government itself, which for some time kept its data secret and did not even tell scientists. Now, US Lieutenant General John E. Shaw posted the information on Twitter on April 6, saying that the mysterious object, like a fiery ball, was in fact a meteorite from another world.

The dissertation was written by Amir Siraj, a Harvard optical physicist. He wants the scientific community to continue researching where the dissertation ended. He thinks some of the meteorites have also fallen into the waters of the South Pacific and may be present in the ocean floor. But finding them will be a difficult task.

However, Aamir says that if we find a piece of it, our knowledge of other solar systems will increase dramatically.