
The link between kidney disease and cancer

 The link between kidney disease and cancer has been discussed by experts in various studies, but recent research has found the strongest evidence so far.

Researchers have found that people with kidney disease may have an increased risk of cancer and a higher risk of dying from cancer. The study, published in the American Journal of Kidney Disease, used healthcare data from Ontario, Canada, and classified patients according to their kidney function.

Scientists used blood test data and records to identify dialysis-dependent patients or kidney transplant patients. Experts then examined his diagnosis of cancer and his risk of death.

Experts have found that recipients of kidney transplants, ranging from mild to severe kidney disease, have a higher risk of cancer and death than healthy people, especially those with bladder, kidney and multiple myeloma. Cancer

The study found that 10 to 15 percent of patients with kidney disease later developed cancer.

Doctors prescribe

Doctors suggest that people with kidney disease need to be included in clinical trials of cancer. The best way to do this is to use small tests to detect early stages of cancer, including liquid biopsy.

Liquid biopsy, which identifies biomarkers in the blood, can detect the presence of cancer at an early stage.

Liquid biopsies, as well as other early detection tests for cancer in kidney patients, are ideal methods for early detection of cancer in which the patient experiences minimal discomfort.