
The longest 335-year war in history, and not a single death

 The longest war in history was fought between the Netherlands and the Isles of Scilly in England in 1651 and ended in 1986.

Without a drop of blood, this longest war is connected to the second civil war in England in which the Netherlands participated as an unrelated player. The conflict actually erupted between members of the British Parliament and the pro-royalty military power realists, which soon escalated into a civil war.

The Netherlands decided to join the controversy after identifying the UK MPs as potential winners, with the Royalists, a longtime ally of the Netherlands, taking the decision as a betrayal and coming within the borders of England. Began raiding Dutch cargo ships

Cromwell, the Leader of the House of Representatives, fought the Realists with great force and steadfastness and even pushed the Royalists' Navy to the Isles of Silence. Since the Royalists had damaged several Dutch ships, the Netherlands demanded compensation from the Royalists, which the Angry Realists refused.

Admiral Martin Trump, chief of the Dutch navy, declared war on the Isles of Silence, but shortly after the declaration of war (in June 1651) the realists surrendered to the Dutch army. Supported MPs took control of the Isles of Silence.

However, when the Dutch army made the return journey from there, they forgot to return to the declaration of war and thus the war officially lasted for 335 years.