
The most expensive salt, cooked in bamboo, costs 100 100 per pound

 South Korea: If you think that Himalayan pink salt is the most expensive salt in the world, then it is not true but a pound of Korean bamboo salt costs 18000 rupees which makes it the most expensive salt.

It is called Korean Bamboo Salt (Bamboo Salt) which weighs 240 grams and costs 100 dollars. Although it is a common salt, it is roasted in bamboo nine times continuously for 50 days. That is why salt is sold at exorbitant prices due to its extraordinary hard work and time.

Although soy salt and ultra-black clove onyx salt are also the most expensive salts, bamboo salt is at the forefront. The middle hollow of a special bamboo plant found in Korea is filled with sea salt. It is closed with conventional mud. It is then baked in a traditional oven for 50 consecutive days. In this way the salt is completely boiled and its taste changes. The cost of this labor is charged in the form of high prices. Thus a pound of salt can be had for Rs. 18,000.

This salt has been made for hundreds of years and has been a part of Korean food and culture for a long time. But the trend of newly cooked salt started a century ago because before that bamboo was roasted only two or three times. It turned out that in this way the aroma and effect of bamboo is well absorbed in the salt. This heat makes the salt clearer and thus becomes purer and purer from dust.

For three years, small pieces of bamboo are cut and one edge is closed. It is then filled with salt and heated to 800 degrees Celsius in a conventional furnace. During this time bamboo oil is released and absorbed into the salt. In 14 to 15 hours, the outer shell of the bamboo burns to ashes and the salt is digested. Now this process is repeated by filling the salt again in another cylindrical piece of hollow bamboo. This process is done 8 to 9 times.

In the final stage, the furnace is further heated to 1000 degrees Celsius. The lumps of salt are then broken by hand and sold in vials. This whole process is done by hand and this is the cost.