
The psychological and real benefits of self-respect came to the fore

 California: Don't be arrogant because self-esteem has many psychological, social and even practical benefits.

In this regard, scientists have reviewed the existing literature and research and found that the psychological, social, applied and practical benefits of self-stemming have come to light. Even the people around you are affected.

In a recent study published in the American Psychologist, Richard Robbins, a professor of psychology at Davis University in California, and his colleagues say that self-esteem is very important. It has many benefits in education, relationships, business and employment. For this, scientists have analyzed not one but hundreds of studies.

Self-esteem also plays an important role in mental, emotional and physical health and brings success in many areas of life. Even its long lasting effects last a lifetime. While other factors are important, self-esteem cannot be ignored.

Positive feedback and good attitude towards yourself also plays a very important role and even one year this trend affects the future. In this regard, Professor Richard himself has reviewed the self-stem for many years. He says that people call it narcissism, selfishness and arrogance which is not true because self-loathing means how much you respect yourself in your eyes. That is why it is not right to call it arrogance and selfishness.

Richard says the benefits go from one decade to another in different periods of life, and this trend continues. Richard says that self-loathing and selfishness are the opposite of each other, which is why it is so important to maintain self-respect.

However, Professor Richard has called for more research.