Palo Alto, California: Although the news has been circulating for some time now, there has been some progress in that WhatsApp has released a code in its beta version that allows WhatsApp to be added to smart glasses.
The first news is that a new version of WhatsApp for Android is being released very soon which is Android version Has been named. This will include Meta Voice Assistant.
While Meta, the parent company of Facebook and WhatsApp, is focusing on its 3D platforms Horizon and Metavers, Mark Zuckerberg, head of the company, has said that he is particularly interested in WhatsApp in the first phase, especially with Rayben's Smart Glasses. Want to add He also hinted at a Facebook voice assistant that would work like Google Assistant and Alexa.
The reason is that the interaction between Smart Glass and Google Voice Assistant is not possible at the moment and that is why a new voice stunt related to WhatsApp is being introduced to offer WhatsApp feature in Rayben company's smart glasses which is voice control. Not possible without.
MetaCompany says that as soon as you communicate with the help of glasses, all the conversations and contacts from one side to the other are safe and no one can penetrate them. On the other hand, you can soon record videos from Smart Glasses and send them to friends on WhatsApp. That way, with just a few words, you'll be able to connect and call your WhatsApp friends.
Meta has said that the code for the WhatsApp Smart Glasses will be released soon and will include the associated voice assistant AI.