
100 megapixel image of the collision of two great galaxies released

 Chile: Sometimes extraordinary images of the great celestial bodies of the universe make headlines. One hundred megapixel image is popular in which the merging of two galaxies can be seen in great detail.

Sensitive cameras mounted on dark energy binoculars in Chile have captured this extraordinary cosmic spectacle for us, the details of which can be seen by zooming in. Thus the details of this magnificent view can be seen up close. The image shows two large galaxies, NGC 1512 and NGC 1510, meeting or colliding with each other.

Such images have always been rare because the integration of galaxies has not yet been understood. But it is thought that larger galaxies form, and at the same time new stars come into being, and thus the universe continues to expand. This image was taken with a Dark Energy Camera (DKM) mounted on a four meter diameter Victor Blanco in Chile.

Both galaxies are located 40 million light-years from Earth, with the largest galaxy in the shape of a spiral and the other smaller galaxy clinging to it. It should be noted that both galaxies can be seen only from the southern hemisphere.

But remember that we are seeing a very old picture of this event and it is thought that the collision between the two may have started 400 million years ago and no one knows what the scene might be like there today. The arm of the larger galaxy to the right of the image is pulling the smaller galaxy closer to it. Then there are the white smoky lines of innumerable stars between the two planets. This has created a connection between the two galaxies.

Astronomers say that our own Milky Way galaxy is made up of collisions or collisions of two or more galaxies. A glimpse of this can also be seen in this picture in which the fog-like shape of NGC 1512 stars is prominent and matter is also prominent.

Our galaxy, which is 13 and a half billion years old, is thought to have been formed some nine billion years ago by a collision with a galaxy called the Enceladus Sausage. It is thought to be the largest cosmic collision on record.

This beautiful picture can be downloaded and viewed from here.