
Discovery and treatment of abortion genes also discovered

 Yokohama, Japan: Scientists have identified and treated a significant genetic condition that causes miscarriage and birth defects, at least in mice.

This gene is found in the X chromosome and can cause a stillbirth if its activity is suppressed. This gene is passed from ovum to offspring, and a DNA-linked protein plays a key role. On the other hand, it also plays a significant role in the development of the child.

This has been revealed in a laboratory for metabolic epigenetics at the famous Rykin Center in Japan. According to Azusa Anui, head of the research, this research will be able to re-examine the problems of infertility and child development.

This gene contains non-coding RNA that is found in a chromosome and is named Xist. We know that when two types of chromosomes meet in a normal way, pregnancy occurs. They form pairs of XY and X chromosomes.

In this way, only one of the pairs of sex chromosomes of mother and father progresses to mating, so sometimes male and sometimes female genes dominate. It also determines the sex of the baby. Experts have looked at genetic activity in mice in which males in particular die or are born dead. On the other hand, the umbilical cord of the female has also been observed to increase abnormally. Then it is also known that in this process the activity of Xist also stops which comes from matter.

Experts then looked at the effects of inactivating or excluding several genes in turn. Now, as soon as Xist was restored, the abortion process in mice stopped and it was found that if this gene is kept active, the tendency to miscarriage decreases. Under normal circumstances it is called Xist's imprinting.

However, it is too early to say anything about its application to humans, but human medicine was first given to rats, and rats have been our best friends and helpers in medical research.