
BJP leader's anti-Islamic statement, Saudi Arabia, OIC, Arab countries strongly condemned

 Saudi Arabia, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Qatar, Kuwait and other Arab countries have strongly condemned the "painful" remarks made by a leader of India's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) against the Prophet of Islam. Is.

BJP spokesperson Nopur Sharma had made a painful remark about the Prophet of Islam during a TV debate.

According to the state-run news agency SPA, the Saudi Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Sunday that "Saudi Arabia condemns the statement made by the BJP spokesperson insulting the Prophet of Islam."

The Saudi Foreign Ministry said in a statement that "Saudi Arabia has always denied insulting the holy relics of Islam." This is still the case today and will continue to be so in the future. "Saudi Arabia rejects insults to holy figures and religious symbols of all religions."

The Foreign Ministry also welcomed the move to suspend the BJP spokesperson.

In a statement, the Foreign Ministry reiterated its commitment to "respect for all religions and their beliefs, and will continue to do so."

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has condemned the insults hurled against the Prophet of Islam by an official of India's ruling party.

According to the SPA, the OIC said in a statement that "the insolence of a BJP official in honor of the Prophet of Islam is part of an intensified campaign against hatred and defamation of Islam in India".

"Planned measures are being taken against Indian Muslims," ​​the statement said. The ban on the hijab in educational institutions in several provinces is a link in the chain of measures to destroy Muslim property and increase violence against them.

The OIC has asked the Indian authorities to take stern notice of all sorts of insults and insults against Islam. The perpetrators of hate speech and violence against Muslims should be brought to justice and those who support them should be held accountable.

The OIC also called on Indian authorities to "ensure the rights of Muslims and the protection of their religious and cultural identities, their dignity and their places of worship."

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has called on the international community, especially the United Nations, to take "the necessary steps to end violence against Indian Muslims and to take special action by the Human Rights Council".

On Sunday, the BJP said that Nopur Sharma had been suspended and condemned the party's insult to "persons belonging to any religion".

India's ruling party has said that "another BJP leader, Naveen Jundal, has been expelled from the party for making inappropriate comments on Islam on social media."