
"Respond to North Korea" by firing eight missiles from the United States and South Korea

 The United States and South Korea have fired eight ground -fired missiles together after North Korea launched a low -range ballistic missile program.

Reuters news agency quoted the South Korean Ministry of Defense as saying the move was in response to North Korea's experience on Sunday.

South Korean military officials have described the move as 'preparation and capability' against any possible attack by the North Korean missile program and its Command and Control Center, according to the South Korean Youth News Agency.

South Korean President Yun Sacuvol, who has taken office last month, has vowed that he will take a strong route against North Korea, and exercises with US President Joe Biden at the SEVAL summit in May. And it was agreed to take defense measures.

According to Yunep, South Korea and US forces fired eight ground missiles from the ground in a short time at five o'clock in the morning.

South Korean security officials confirmed that eight Army Tactical Missiles System (ATACMS) were operated.

North Korea on Sunday fired low -hit missiles towards its east coast, and this is the only experience that has been answered the next day.

This is the first time that the operation has been taken after a joint military exercises between South Korea and the United States.

North Korea criticized the US and South Korea's joint military exercises several weeks ago, calling it a "hostility policy" against Pyongyang.

North Korea has launched as many missile programs this year, including hypersoning and ballistic missile tests.

Washington and Seoul officials recently warned that the nuclear program is going to be restored for the first time since 2017.

Last month, North Korea conducted three missile tests, including one of the largest ballistic missiles, and the same day Biden said at the end of a visit to Asia that steps would be taken to block nuclear weapons.

South Korea and the United States respond to North Korea's missile tests a violation of their UN Security Council resolutions.