
Family Iqama fee, 3 months can be paid?

 A monthly fee is charged for the renewal of residence of foreign workers' families in Saudi Arabia. Residences of workers and their families cannot be renewed without payment of fees.

Since last year, the Saudi Ministry of Interior has also provided a quarterly facility for the renewal of expatriate residences, which aims to facilitate people, whereas in the past, it was necessary to pay a fee for renewal on an annual basis.

In this regard, a person discovered the warrants on Twitter.

. The monthly family fee imposed for renewal of iqama of a widow must be paid or can it be waived?

In response to the question, Juzaat said that "According to the Iqama laws, which has been implemented in Saudi Arabia since 2017, every foreigner living in the kingdom is given one year on a monthly basis to renew the Iqama of their dependent families." The fee has to be paid.

It should be remembered that when the aforementioned fee law was promulgated in 2017, it was charged at the rate of 100 riyals per family per month. The fee was charged in 12 monthly installments.

In the second year in 2018, the fee was charged at the rate of 200 Rials per month, while in the third year it was increased by 100 Rials to 300 Rials per month.

In the fourth year of the fee law i.e. the year 2020, the monthly fee was charged at the rate of 400 riyals, which is still ongoing.

According to the law, those foreign workers who are residing in the country along with their families can renew their iqama only after submitting the income fee for their families including wife, children. If the income fee is not paid to the family, the iqama of the worker cannot be renewed.

It should be noted that the said fee is not waived in any case, it is necessary to pay it, however, since last year, the government has also provided the facility of renewal of the residences of foreign workers on a quarterly basis instead of annually, with the aim of giving people a discount. They can renew the Iqama for three months after paying the fee for three months according to their ability.

Quarterly Iqama renewal is convenient for those who are living with their families. Some people are obliged to keep their families in the country for a limited time based on some compulsion, so if they deposit 12 months fee in one lump sum and then after 6 months they send their wife and children on final exit then their deposit Fees incurred are non-refundable.

The quarterly renewal of Iqama will be very convenient for those who want to send their family to the final exit after a few months, so they do not need to pay additional fees, they can renew Iqama by paying only three or six months fee.