GENEVA: A water battery that stores electricity equivalent to the batteries of 400,000 electric vehicles has been activated in Switzerland.
The 2 billion project is being built at a depth of 600 meters above ground level in the Swiss mountains. The project has been under construction for 14 years.
The 20 million kilowatt-hour capacity of this battery will make it possible to store additional energy generated from renewable sources for the future. Therefore, it will help stabilize the power grid and reduce dependence on conventional fuels.
This hydro-battery works by pumping water to two different reservoirs at different heights using the surplus energy. When the surplus electricity is generated, six pump turbines send water to the reservoir above the lower reservoir.
With a capacity of 25 million cubic meters, this water battery emits enough energy to supply electricity to 900,000 homes.
A press release issued by the hydroelectric plant Nintendo de Druis said that with the increase in the use of new renewable energy sources, the production of which is uneven, this fluctuation requires the removal of electricity. To balance production and consumption permanently.