
'How to respond to US' Taliban consultation after drone attack

 After the death of al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri in a US drone strike in Kabul, Taliban leaders are sitting together on how to respond to the US.

British news agency Reuters, citing sources, said that an important meeting was also held in Kabul on Wednesday.

It should be noted that following the drone attack on Kabul on Sunday, US officials said that al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri was targeted while he was standing on the balcony of his residence.

The incident is being seen as a major blow to the Taliban fighters and a major victory for the United States after the death of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan a decade ago.

According to the report, a senior American official said on condition of anonymity, "The United States will continue to target more members of Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and will ensure that the country is used again for terrorist attacks on the United States." Can't be done.'

"We will be vigilant and take action where necessary, as we have done for the past week," he added.

He also explained that "the administration of US President Joe Biden will still negotiate with the Taliban, but only if they will strengthen American interests."

On the other hand, members of the Islamic group, a longtime al-Qaeda ally, confirmed the drone strike on Sunday, but said the house was empty.

"There have been high-level meetings of officials to discuss whether the United States should respond to the attack, and if so, what the process would be," a senior Taliban official told Reuters.

It was also told by the Taliban member that 'there was a long consultation between the authorities for two days.'

The Taliban member did not confirm that Ayman al-Zawahiri was present in the house targeted by the drone strike.

The group's response to the attack, which came to power a year ago after defeating the US-backed government, could have significant ramifications as it also seeks access to billions of dollars in frozen funds.

Regarding the restoration of funds, the US official said, "The US will continue to pressure the Taliban to lift the ban on girls' education and to take measures that improve the economy." He was referring to the Afghan central bank.

According to the official, "Washington will continue to provide humanitarian assistance and continue to press the Taliban to release Mark Freches, an American citizen who was kidnapped in 2020, eliminate the regional branch of the Islamic State and stop other terrorist groups." .'

It should be remembered that Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri from Egypt was involved in the attacks in the United States on September 11, 2001 and was among the most wanted persons in the world.