
Hundreds of people will be able to try Samsung products first under the 'Early Bird to Go' scheme

 South Korea: Samsung has made an interesting offer to its users which is called 'Early Bird to Go'.

The 1,800 users registered under the scheme will be able to use Samsung products before they go on sale, ranging from foldable phones to

Everything is included, right down to the earbuds. Under this, the new Galaxy series devices including watches and other accessories will be available to South Korean users for now.

Although this is similar to beta testing, Samsung has announced it publicly rather than internally, which is also the most important aspect.

However, there is one more condition that you will present your experiences using Samsung products in the form of a story. It will be reviewed by Samsung experts and those who describe the best experience will be part of the 'early bird to go'.

However, it is said that on August 10, Samsung is presenting its flagship products in a grand event, which will include the Galaxy Z Flip 4, and the Galaxy Z4. Samsung has started customer registration which will start from July 28 and will continue till August 3 and by August 8, 1800 customers will be announced and these products will be provided to them. All candidates will be selected on a first-come, first-served basis and a lottery system will be used in case of excess applications.

In this way, the winners will be able to try new Samsung phones and devices for a total of three days.