
Vegetarian women may have an increased risk of bone fractures

 LONDON: There has been an emphasis on vegetarianism around the world, which forces some women to give up meat altogether, which is not true as this increases bone fragility and increases the risk of hip fractures in women who eat meat. The risks can increase up to 33%.

This is because vegetables are generally lower in calcium and vitamin B12, which plays an important role in bone strength, than meat. On the other hand, vegetables do not provide essential protein. Proteins build muscle and meat, and other minerals make bones strong.

This is the reason why the level of the sex hormone estrogen in women drops after menopause. A subsequent slip or fall increases their chances of breaking the hip bone. The bones then heal late and can even lead to disability and death.

According to research from the University of Leeds, this is a dangerous thing and women are advised to eat some meat along with vegetables as this can prevent bone fractures in middle age.

In this regard, scientists have conducted a long research of its kind in the UK, in which 26 thousand different women have been studied for 20 years. The age of women included in the survey was between 35 to 69 years.

Three percent of women in the entire study suffered a hip fracture, and found that women who ate all-vegetarian diets had a 33 percent increased risk of hip fracture compared to women who ate some meat.

Interestingly, eating less meat or eating only fish has the same benefits, and even here, eating vegetables did not strengthen bones.

Although it is very important to eat vegetables that have wonderful benefits. It prevents increase in cholesterol, keeps blood pressure normal and can keep away from heart diseases. But vegetables cannot be completely satisfied.

Experts have said that we are not saying that women should not eat vegetables, but that they should increase their intake of other sources of protein such as pulses and dairy products. However, if some amount of meat is eaten, then it definitely gives benefits.

However, other experts insist that only vegetarian women need to get enough calcium anyway.