LONDON: New benefits of pomegranate keep coming out every day, now experts are emphatically saying that it is a superfood that prevents diabetes and protects the heart.
Apart from this, pomegranate is an excellent example of a healthy food and prevents many diseases. In this regard, the international nutrition expert says that pomegranates, rich in flavonoids, antioxidants and other nutrients, give your body a new freshness internally.
Due to vitamin A, C and other valuable antioxidants, pomegranate is also good for the heart and mind. Experts have said that it is better to chew than to drink its juice so that the fiber and other ingredients can also reach your body.The white to red color of the pomegranate seeds indicates the amount of antioxidants it contains and that is why it is packed with these excellent ingredients. Some pomegranates contain more antioxidants than green tea, which lowers LDL or bad cholesterol.
Polyphenols prevent aging at the cellular level and maintain blood flow. It is also rich in fiber, folate, potassium and vitamins. It stops harmful fatty deposits before they build up in the arteries of the heart. Apart from this, it also reduces blood clots and congestion.
Then in 2017, eight studies came out that said pomegranate juice normalizes blood pressure. Apart from this, it also improves insulin status. Several studies have shown that diabetic patients can benefit from it. It also contains important ingredients that reduce internal inflammation.
On the other hand, many researches have shown that pomegranate ingredients can play an important role in preventing breast and colon cancer in particular.