A heartless father in India, after killing his young daughter on suspicion of having an illicit relationship, locked the body in a briefcase and threw it away.
According to Indian media, 21-year-old Ayush Yadav left home on November 17 and then on November 18, her tortured body was found in Raya area of Mathura district of Uttar Pradesh.
According to the police, the body of the girl found in Yamuna Express in the attache case had obvious marks of torture and was shot in the chest.During the investigation, it was revealed that the girl was killed by her father. Photo Indian Media
During the investigation, it was revealed that the girl was killed by her father. Photo Indian Media
The police team visited different cities to trace the girl and then traced the girl's family in Badrapur area, the girl's mother and brother identified Ayushi Yadav's body.
According to Indian media, during the investigation, it was revealed to the police that the girl was killed by her father. started