California: Metta, the parent company of Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram, said it is removing three categories of likes and preferences from users' Facebook profiles, including religion, gender orientation and political likes or dislikes. It will be implemented from December 1.
Facebook has told some users that it has removed several profile fields so far, and said the move was made to make Facebook easier for other users to navigate. However, analysts have said that removing it or not removing it would be of no use.
It was first reported by social media expert, Matt Novara, who saw a message a user received in which Facebook said their information was being deleted.These include political views, religious beliefs and sexual orientation.
On the other hand, Metta has also said in his statement that we have deleted religious orientations, political views, sexual orientation and address in the profile preferences field. We have removed the people who filled this field earlier on Facebook. So if you write this information, it will be deleted soon.
On the other hand, it's not good news for the Facebook marketing tools themselves for targeting users
On the other hand, Facebook has already started removing user targeting options from January 2022, which has a much wider scope and these preferences include health, nationality, regionalism, political affiliation, sexual preferences and other issues.