Mumbai: Bollywood actress Janhvi Kapoor says that she was brought into films by filmmaker Karan Johar, that's why everyone hates her so easily.
In an interview with Indian media, Sridevi's daughter Jhanvi revealed that people hate her easily because she was launched in films by Karan Johar, but she has no regrets.
Karan Johar has launched the children of many Bollywood actors in his films and made them superstars through his Dharma Productions, which is why he is called the nepotism-enhancing director and producer.This is the reason why Janhvi Kapoor is accused of entering the industry under nepotism and Janhvi is criticized for entering films because she is Sridevi's daughter instead of her talent.
In the same vein, Janhvi Kapoor adds, 'It is a fact that Dharma is a popular production house and the curiosity and reach of Dharma and the amount of interest it generates among the public is probably unmatched. can That's why there's a pressure and that's why they're easy targets for hate.
It should be remembered that Karan Johar launched Jhanvi Kapoor as a producer in the film 'Dhadak' in 2018 and recently his film 'Milli' has been released which is currently showing in cinemas.