
Pakistan still has an important and valued ally in the region, the US

 Washington: The US State Department says that Pakistan is still one of our most important and valued allies in the region.

According to, explaining its relations with South Asian countries, the US State Department says that India is a global partner while Pakistan is our valued ally in a sensitive region.

Commenting on the relations with India, the Principal Deputy Spokesperson of the US Department of State said that India is an invaluable partner of the US not only in the region but also in terms of US policies and common priorities.

When asked about relations with Pakistan, he said that the US values ​​Pakistan's long-standing cooperation and has always considered a prosperous and democratic Pakistan as important to US interests.

In response to's query on Pakistan-US relations, another State Department official said that Pakistan is still the most important and valuable ally of the US in the sensitive region.

The official of the US State Department rejected the impression that the internal political changes in Pakistan could affect relations with the US, saying that the internal political changes will not change the US desire for good relations with Pakistan.

He further said that Pakistan is seen as an important ally in fighting terrorism and stabilizing Afghanistan.

It should be noted that in recent statements, US officials have insisted that they no longer see Pakistan from the perspective of India or Afghanistan, but that they recognize Pakistan as a major nuclear-capable country with a population of over 220 million. Which borders with the important countries of the region, India, China, Iran and Afghanistan.

Regarding trade with Pakistan, the official of the Department of Foreign Affairs said that the United States has been one of the biggest sources of foreign direct investment in Pakistan, which is also Pakistan's largest export market.

He further said that they want to work together with Pakistan on a wide range of issues ranging from energy, trade, investment, health, dealing with climate crisis, stability in Afghanistan and counter-terrorism.

It should be noted that in a recent report published by the Hudson Institute, 10 American scholars of South Asian affairs noted that several aspects of the US-Pakistan relationship have changed over the past decade.

According to experts, the most important thing is that the alliance between the US and India has strengthened while tensions and tensions between China and the US have increased, which indicate that the US desire to control China has made it a target of India. What is near?

American scholars also note that the geostrategic competition with Russia and China includes Pakistan and Afghanistan. It may be an opportune moment to lay the foundation for a lasting relationship between Pakistan and the US.

American experts suggested that there should be a normal but practical relationship between the US and Pakistan in which both parties should not have exaggerated expectations and both should understand that they have different views on Afghanistan but both should not only seek peace in Afghanistan. can contribute to maintain but also alleviate the suffering of the Afghan people.

American analysts also said that attitudes towards India and the US would gradually change at the elite and popular narrative levels in Pakistan, and further that public opinion in both the US and Pakistan acted as a barrier to bilateral relations.